Contact JCML
To get in touch with the Jefferson County Municipal League, please contact Steve Markus (Alderman, City of Pevely) or Tony Becker (Councilperson, City of Crystal City.) We run an email list to notify members of meeting locations, times and topics. Our meetings are generally monthly, on the third Tuesday of each month, but this location and schedule are subject to change. Please join our mailing list to get the latest meeting times and topics.
Currently our meetings are held at:
6707 St Luke’s Church Rd
Barnhart, MO 63012
Rock Township Ambulance District has generously let us use their meeting facilities.
Who may attend our meetings?
There is no formal membership requirement, but those who attend our meetings are generally elected municipal officials, and other guests and officials by invitation. We do ask that everyone RSVPs prior to each meeting, largely to avoid any situation where we might accidentally have a quorum of one city’s governing board present.
JCML is not, itself, a public entity or agency, and is not subject to the Missouri Sunshine Law. We do not post agendas or take formal minutes, and our meetings are not open to the general public.